Android/iOS SDK Private Deployment

The Android/iOS SDK from Hyphenate Customer Engagement Cloud can be used for both public and private deployments. In both scenarios, the APIs are used in the same way, except that the server IP address and port must be set in the initialization method in private deployment.

Download the Android/iOS SDK from Hyphenate.

For information about how to integrate the android/iOS SDK, see:

Note: In the private deployment scenario, you need to configure the server IP address and port in the initialization method.

In the private deployment scenario, you need to set the following IP addresses and ports:

  • ChatServer: msync address of the chat server
  • ChatPort: msync port of the chat server
  • RestServer: upload address of the chat server
  • KefuServer: rest address for services

In the virtual private cloud (VPC) scenario, you need to set the following IP address:

  • KefuServer: rest address for services

Note: Please contact Hyphenate operation and maintenance engineer for the values ​​of the above parameters.

Android Parameter Settings

In the initialization method, add the following lines:

ChatClient.Options options = new ChatClient.Options();
options.setKefuServerAddress("");  //KefuServer
options.setRestServer("");  //RestServer
options.setIMServer(""); //ChatServer
options.setIMPort(443); //ChatPort
ChatClient.getInstance().init(context, options);

iOS Parameter Settings

In the initialization method, add the following lines:

HOptions *option = [[HOptions alloc] init];
option.enableDnsConfig = NO;  // disable dns in the private deployment scenario
option.restServer = @""; // restServer
option.chatPort = 443;  //chatport
option.chatServer = @"";   // chatserver
option.kefuRestServer = @"";  //kefuserver

HChatClient *client = [HChatClient sharedClient];
HError *initError = [client initializeSDKWithOptions:option];