====== APNs 内容解析 ======
===== 单聊 =====
==== 不显示详情 ====
* alert: 显示信息
* badge: 角标,表示离线消息数
* sound: 收到 APNs 时的提示音
* f: 消息发送方的环信 ID
* t: 消息接收方的环信 ID
* m: 消息 ID
==== 显示详情 ====
* alert: 显示信息
* ApnsName: 发送方设置的用户名(即环信管理后台中看到的用户昵称)
* xxxx: 消息内容(发送方发的什么,就显示什么)
* badge: 角标,表示离线消息数
* sound: 收到 APNs 时的提示音
* f: 消息发送方的环信 ID
* t: 消息接收方的环信 ID
* m: 消息 ID
===== 群聊 =====
==== 不显示详情 ====
* alert: 显示信息
* badge: 角标,表示离线消息数
* sound: 收到 APNs 时的提示音
* f: 消息发送方的环信 ID
* t: 消息接收方的环信 ID
* g: 群组 ID
* m: 消息 ID
==== 显示详情 ====
* alert: 显示信息
* ApnsName: 发送方设置的用户名(即环信管理后台中看到的用户昵称)
* xxxx: 消息内容(发送方发的什么,就显示什么)
* badge: 角标,表示离线消息数
* sound: 收到 APNs 时的提示音
* f: 消息发送方的环信 ID
* t: 消息接收方的环信 ID
* g: 群组 ID
* m: 消息 ID
===== 向 APNs 中添加扩展字段 =====
APNs 扩展(em_apns_ext):添加后,您收到的 APNs 中将带有您填写的字段,可以帮助您区分 APNs。
|em_push_category|向 APNs Payload 中添加 category 字段|
|em_push_mutable_content|开启 APNs 通知扩展|
=== 解析内容 ===
"apns": {
"alert": {
"body": "hello from rest"
"badge": 1,
"sound": "default"
"e": "自定义推送扩展",
"f": "6001",
"t": "6006",
"m": "373360335316321408"
* e: 您发送的自定义推送扩展
=== REST 发送 ===
([[https://docs-im.easemob.com/ccim/rest/message#发送消息|REST 发消息]])
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"extern": "自定义推送扩展"
"from": "6001"
=== iOS 发送 ===
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造扩展消息|iOS 发消息]])
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"extern":@"自定义推送扩展"}}; // 此处的ext和message初始化时传递的ext效果是一样的,此处单独抽出来的目的是表示的更清晰。
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
==== 自定义显示 ====
设置后,您收到的 APNs 的 alert 信息将是您设置的信息。
=== 解析 ===
=== REST 发送 ===
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送文本消息|REST 发消息]])
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_content": "自定义推送显示"
"em_push_channel_id":"Channel id",
=== iOS 发送 ===
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造消息|iOS 发消息]])
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_content":@"自定义推送显示"}}; // 此处的ext和message初始化时传递的ext效果是一样的,此处单独抽出来的目的是表示的更清晰。
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
==== 自定义显示与自定义扩展 ====
=== 解析 ===
"e": "自定义推送扩展",
=== REST 发送 ===
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送扩展消息|REST 发消息]])
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_content": "自定义推送显示",
"extern": "自定义推送扩展"
=== iOS 发送 ===
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造扩展消息|iOS 发消息]])
NSString *willSendText = [EaseConvertToCommonEmoticonsHelper convertToCommonEmoticons:text];
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"extern":@"自定义推送扩展",@"em_push_content":@"自定义推送显示"}}; // 此处的ext和message初始化时传递的ext效果是一样的,此处单独抽出来的目的是表示的更清晰。
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
==== 添加category字段 ====
向 APNs Payload 中添加 category 字段。
=== REST 发送 ===
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送扩展消息|REST 发消息]])
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_category" : "NEW_MESSAGE_CATEGORY"
==== 自定义推送提示音 ====
设置后,您收到的 APNs 的提示音将是您设置的提示音。
* 如果没有设置该字段,则播放默认提示音;有此字段,如果找到了指定的声音就播放该声音,否则播放默认声音,如果此字段为空字符串,iOS 7 为默认声音,iOS 8 及以上系统为无声音。
* 以下示例自定义提示音文件名称为custom.caf。
* 集成方式:将自定义提示音的caf格式音频文件导入iOS工程,发送消息按以下示例增加消息扩展,当接收方离线收到APNs离线推送时,即可播放自定义的提示音。
支持格式 Linear PCM
具体信息,可以参考苹果官方文档[[https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/setting_up_a_remote_notification_server/generating_a_remote_notification?language=objc|Generating a Remote Notification]]
=== 解析 ===
=== REST 发送 ===
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送扩展消息|REST 发消息]])
**注:**"em_push_sound"为设置自定义 APNs 提示音的扩展字段,value 值为音频文件名,字符串类型。
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_sound": "custom.caf"
=== iOS 发送 ===
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造扩展消息|iOS 发消息]])
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_sound":@"custom.caf"}}; // 设置自定义APNs提示音的扩展字段,value值为音频文件名,字符串类型
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
==== 开启 APNs 通知扩展 ====
设置后,该条消息的 APNs 推送将在服务端支持 UNNotificationServiceExtension ,还需要APP在项目中集成 UNNotificationServiceExtension ,才可使用 APNs 通知扩展。iOS 集成方式见 [[https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/unnotificationserviceextension?language=objc|Apple官方文档]]
=== 解析 ===
=== REST发送 ===
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送扩展消息|REST 发消息]])
**注:**"em_push_mutable_content"的 value 值为 bool 类型,true 为开启;false 或不设置,则是普通的 Remote Notification。
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_mutable_content": true
=== iOS发送 ===
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造扩展消息|iOS 发消息]])
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_mutable_content":@YES}}; // @YES为开启,@NO或不设置,则是普通的 Remote Notification
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
===== APNs推送国际化配置 =====
环信消息的离线推送可支持 APNs 以下几个国际化配置的 key:''title-loc-key'',''title-loc-args'',''loc-key'',''loc-args''
关于这几个 key 的官方解释:
* title-loc-key(String):The key for a localized title string. Specify this key instead of the title key to retrieve the title from your app’s Localizable.strings files. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.
* title-loc-args(Array of strings):An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your title string. Each %@ character in the string specified by the title-loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.
* loc-key(String):The key for a localized message string. Use this key, instead of the body key, to retrieve the message text from your app's Localizable.strings file. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.
* loc-args(Array of strings):An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your message text. Each %@ character in the string specified by loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.
* ''title-loc-key'' 与 ''title-loc-args'' 组成一对,没有 ''title-loc-key'' , ''title-loc-args'' 不生效,如无可变参数,可以只设置 ''title-loc-key'';
* ''loc-key'' 与 ''loc-args'' 组成一对,没有 ''loc-key'' , ''loc-args'' 不生效,如无可变参数,可以只设置 ''loc-key'';
* 以上两对也可以只设置其中一对。
==== iOS 客户端配置 ====
* 配置国际化文件 ''Localizable.strings'' ,如 demo 中配置了 ''Localizable.strings (Chinese (Simplified))''、''Localizable.strings (English)'';
* 在 ''Localizable.strings'' 中配置 ''title-loc-key'' 和 ''loc-key'' ,并赋值,需要使用 ''title-loc-args'' 和 ''loc-args'' 中的可变参数的字符串,用 ''%@'' 代替;如下:
在 ''Localizable.strings (Chinese (Simplified))'' 中配置:
"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT" = "%@ 游戏邀请 %@";
在 ''Localizable.strings (English)'' 中配置:
==== 发消息时设置消息扩展 ====
=== REST 发送 ===
"target_type" : "users",
"target" : ["6006"],
"msg" : {
"type" : "txt",
"msg" : "hello from rest"
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_content": "自定义推送显示", # 可以同时设置自定义推送显示,没有配置loc-key的app,会显示"自定义推送显示"
"em_push_title_loc_key" : "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", # 对应title_loc_key
"em_push_title_loc_args" : ["Shelly", "Rick"], # 对应title_loc_args
"em_push_body_loc_key" : "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", # 对应loc_key
"em_push_body_loc_args" : ["Shelly", "Rick"] # 对应loc_args
"from" : "6001"
=== iOS 发送 ===
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_title_loc_key":@"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", @"em_push_title_loc_args":@[@"Shelly", @"Rick"], @"em_push_body_loc_key":@"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", @"em_push_body_loc_args":@[@"Shelly", @"Rick"]}};
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
==== 解析 ====
===== 发送静默消息 =====
不发APNs。发送时添加后,该消息将不会有 APNs 推送。
==== REST 发送 ====
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送扩展消息|REST 发消息]])
"msg":"hello from rest"
==== iOS 发送 ====
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造扩展消息|iOS 发消息]])
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_ignore_notification":@YES};
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
// 发送消息示例
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
===== 设置强制推送型 APNs =====
设置后,将强制推送消息,即使客户端设置了免打扰时间,也会得到推送。优先级比 em_ignore_notification 低,即同时设置 em_ignore_notification 后,该属性将失效。
==== REST 发送 ====
([[im:server:basics:messages#发送扩展消息|REST 发消息]])
"msg":"hello from rest"
==== iOS 发送 ====
([[im:ios:basics:message#构造扩展消息|iOS 发消息]])
EMTextMessageBody *body = [[EMTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
EMMessage *message = [[EMMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_force_notification":@YES};
message.chatType = EMChatTypeChat; // 设置消息类型
// 发送消息示例
[EMClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
上一页:[[im:ios:apns:offline|APNs 离线推送]]
下一页:[[im:ios:other:easeimapp|EaseIM 介绍]]