====== Personal ====== Agents and admins can set their own personal information (avatar, nickname, name, employee ID, and phone number), modify the login password, set the interface language, and set their personal greetings. {{:cs-en:agentmode:agent-personal.png?nolink|Personal}} ===== Set Personal Information ===== Personal information includes avatar, nickname, name, employee ID, and phone number. On the Personal page, enter these information and click **Save**. * **Avatar:** Set your avatar by uploading a photo. Your avatar will also be displayed on PC and App Customer Engagement Cloud. * **Nickname:** Set your nickname. You nickname will be seen by your colleagues. To allow app and web customers to see your nickname, an admin must go to "Admin Mode > Settings > System Settings" and turn on the "Show agent nicknames to customers" feature. * **Name:** Set your real name. Only your colleagues can see your real name. * **Employee ID.:** Set your employee ID. * **Phone:** Set your phone number. Note: "Email" indicates your login email address which cannot be modified. If you forget your password, you can retrieve the password via your email. ===== Reset Password ===== To reset your password: - Click **Reset Password**. - Enter the old and new passwords and click **Modify**. ===== Set Interface language ===== To change the interface language, select a language and click **Save**. ===== Set Greeting ===== Both agents and admins can set their greetings. When a conversation is assigned or transferred to an agent, the system automatically sends the agent's greeting to the customer. - Enter your greeting and turn it on. - Click **Save**. You can also add ##Hi there## to your greeting. If the customer's nickname is valid, the customer's nickname is displayed; if the customer's nickname is invalid, "Hi there" is displayed. The content between the special characters (####) can be customized. For example, the greeting is "##Hi there##, what can I do for you?" * If the customer's nickname is valid (nickname is different from ID), assuming it is Jon, the greeting sent to Jon is "Jon, what can I do for you?" * If the customer's nickname is invalid (nickname is the same as ID), the greeting sent to the customer is "Hi there, what can I do for you?" Note: The greeting is automatically sent to the customer only at work hours.